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LaTasha is the Founder and CEO of the Heavenly Touched Community Center (Pretty Blessed Girls Mentoring Program) which provides educational, cultural, and recreational activities for youth and their families. The parents of her PBG Mentoring Program have named her “Mrs. Community” aka “The Empowerment Angel.”

 She is happily married to Keith Thomas and together, they have five children; Johnathan, Keith  Jr., DeVunta, Kilah,  and DeVuntra. Her background includes childcare, mentoring, and social services. Tasha’s hobbies include shopping, helping others, hanging out with family and friends, and going to church. She is a member of Bethlehem COGIC , Pastor Eric V. Boatner and 1st Lady Stephanie Boatner. She oversees Beyond the Walls (Outreach Ministry), and serves as an Administrative Assistant to her 1st Lady, Finance Committee, Announcement Clerk, Choir Member.


Tasha received her Bachelors of Christian Education from The DFW Bible Institute and has a Bachelors in Education Studies. She has a passion to help girls all over the world turn their negative outlook on life into a positive perspective and to understand their worth in the image of God. Tasha’s favorite scripture she quotes to the girls is Philippians 4:13,” I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthen me” because she believes they can do anything in life that they put their heart and mind to as long as they stay focused on accomplishing their goals.



Mia Turner Whitley is a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother. She has been a mother for 32 plus years. Mia grew up as the oldest of her siblings and considers them her first children. She is a mother of 7 in a blended family (which include her 4).  Mia values the importance of building a strong  family dynamics! The family is the center of the community and in order to build a better community it's imperative that we educate our future generations of leaders through programs like Pretty Blessed Girls where we not only mentor girls 5 to 16 to be strong young ladies, but we also model what that looks like.

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